Some images developed for the a collaboration with the OFFF Festival in Tel Aviv for their first book 2022 edition entitled “OFFFF*CK!”. They are proudly celebrating the crazy mistakes and errors that sometimes fuel our creative process, putting the spotlight on the imposter syndrome most of us experience, and the anxiety of being a creative soul.
We are always afraid with the idea of playing out of the box, playing diferently, exploring places not alowed for us.
Will they like it? will it be enought? building too many walls…around our heads.
(I use different objets, props and left over tools that we used during the works at the new studio. Elements that begun to be part of it, part of its faults, errors and process…Part of a new adventure, a new playgorund and now part of these images. Done from a new place I still feel was too much for a little designer.)
AGENCY: - / CLIENT: OFFF TLV / Year: 2022